2012 News
Dominic takes 5 point major at the BMDCNI Regional SPecialty at 10 months of age from the bred by class
Cici takes breed over specials and picks up both her majors in Topeka!
The following weekend takes best of winners 3 out of 4 days in Lincoln then takes 1st in her 15-18 month sweeps class and 2nd in bred by at the BMDCNI Regional!
Isaac still has it!!
2nd place 2 days in a row at the BMDCNI regional 7-9 year veterans class!
Zed is a champion and picks up 8 points towards his grand championship in Lincoln!
Riley is a champion!!
Myrtle becomes a BMDCA top producer of Champions!
Talluaha picks up a 4 point major!
Rat picks up a 4 point major!
Yachi picks up a 3 point major!
Watcher picks up his 2nd major in Topeka
Uki finishes up her grand!